This is 2 parcels of property being sold together. One is a building of 1234 sq ft and the other is 2009 sq ft. The building on the west side, with an address of 4955 Moffett Rd, is being leased to a cleaners and has a long history of B-2 zoning. Please do not disturb the tenants of the cleaners! The building on the east side is larger and is set up as 3 suites currently with 3 doors that face Moffett Rd, a back/side door for each, ½ bath in each. This building is currently vacant and can be shown easily. There is sufficient parking for small businesses. The big billboard lease pays yearly and will be up for renewal soon. Call your REALTOR for more information. Building addresses are: 4955 Moffett Rd with a lot size of 90’ (dimension on Moffett Rd side) x 65’ x 115’ (Overlook Rd side) x 83’ & 4915, 4917, and 4919 have a lot size of 157’ (Moffett Rd side) x 32’ x 155’ (Overlook Rd side) x 55’. Average daily traffic count in 2023 (from the ALDOT website) was 31,141 vehicles per day.